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The standards that this research project is based on are obtained from the Australian Curriculum: Technologies: Digital Technology: Years 5 and 6 (ACARA, 2016).


Digital Technologies Knowledge and Understanding

Examine the main components of common digital systems and how they may connect to form networks to transmit data (ACTDIK014).

  • investigating how emerging digital systems work, for example using an augmented reality app (or blended reality) and considering how images of real-world objects can be blended with computer-generated information to produce a virtual reality


Digital Technologies Processes and Production Skills

Acquire, store and validate different types of data, and use a range of software to interpret and visualise data to create information (ACTDIP016)

  • acquiring data from online sources by narrowing the focus, for example filtering data using provided options or performing queries using advanced search functions

  • using data visualisation software to help in interpreting trends, for example uploading data to a web application and building a visualisation of the dataset



The attached Research Project below is designed for year 6 students to investigate and present information about an emerging digital technology. 


Designed using The Big 6 Information Problem Solving Process by Mike Eisenberg and Bob Berkowitz, the students progress through logical steps in order to develop their knowledge, create and evaluate their learning. 


This research project could be used as an activity or for formative or summative assessment purposes. The idea is that students are directing their learning and then sharing this learning with the class. Students will need to have been introduced to research skills, note taking skills, organising information and related methods of storing information. 


The Research Project has been attached as a pdf and word document to allow changes to be made as you require for your unit.

Student Learning Outcomes

At the end of the research project students will be able to:

  • Acquire data from sources including online

  • Use software to present the information

  • Inform others about an emerging digital technology and how it works

Cross-Curriculum Priorities and General Capabilities

The cross-curriculum priorities and general capabilities addressed in this research project are:

  • Digital technology literacy

  • Information and Communication Technology skills and knowledge

  • Critical and Creative thinking capabilities

The Digital World 3.0 Research Project


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